Once a year in our Sacrament meeting, the children of our church congregation take over. They sing lots of songs and each recite a line to teach us. It is a highlight every year, not only because of the sweet purity of the children, but also because of the entertainment value. It can be highly entertaining.
For example, today, there was a group of about 5 children that were singing a special part, so they gathered around a microphone. One girl, about 4 years old, positioned the mic about a half inch away from her mouth. The adult leader gently moved it down, and the 4 year old shot her a look that could kill as she moved it right back to where it was before. Then the adult leader had a great idea - move the mic up as high as possible. The 4 year old looked exasperated as she reached on her tip-toes and again pulled the microphone down in front of her mouth. At this point, the song was beginning, and the congregation was in complete stitches, and the adult leader gave up. The 4 year old was finally placated.
In other news, I was called today as the new Primary chorister, which means I get to sing with the 3-12 year old kids every Sunday! I couldn't be happier. I'm thrilled! :)
You will be missed in R.S., but our children will be so blessed! What a great spot for you!
I'm the choister too! LOVE IT! You are going to be so fun in there
I'm also the primary chorister. It is a lot of work and a lot of fun. Check out the yahoo group Primusic. It is SO helpful!
You'll be great at that calling Aimee.
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