Last Wednesday morning, I woke up and did the daily chore of trying to get the kids out of bed for school. When I got to Eli's room, he wasn't in bed. I got a little nervous. He wasn't anywhere in the back of the house, so I came into the kitchen, and here he was, at 7:00 am, and he'd already done all this:

He was so excited to tell me all about how the heart works. I asked him where he got all these words, and he replied "Oh, I'm being a Word Detective" and he would fill in the box of the words he came across as he read.
James, Dad, watch out, someday you might have a little Eli following in your footsteps!
Wow, Eli! I wish my medical students were so diligent about learning all about the heart! Someday, you'll get to see a real human heart and I promise, it's totally amazing!!!
Dr. Eli Stewart has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? I took Whitney to see the Body Worlds exhibit last week. The human heart is amazing!! Keep up the grades, and keep interested in such creative ideas, and I bet we'll see Eli do something significant for mankind someday.
Dr. Dave
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