So, today, Adam and I decided that it was finally time to remove our dead ficus tree from our front yard. I mean, it's been a year already since it froze, so I think it's really, truly dead for sure. We just wanted to make sure, you know.
Anyway, as we were cutting up all the pieces of wood, we put them in a box for the Dibbles because they have a firepit in their backyard, and we thought they might like some really, really dry wood to burn in it.
Next thing we know, Adam Dibble drives up to the house.
"Did you call him?" I ask my husband.
"No, but I was about to. Did you?" he asks me.
Wow. That was good.
He was stopping by delivering a book for Adam's birthday, and so we gave him the two boxes of firewood all set and ready to go.
Just then, as we were standing there, we heard a loud hissing sound coming from somewhere near our van on the driveway. At first we didn't know what in the world it was, and I got scared that something was about to explode. Apparently, Adam Dibble did too, because he jumped behind me. I made a mental note to warn Xan about that - don't plan on him taking the bullet for you, honey.
Anway, I digress. The hissing noise turned out to be our tire, which suddenly decided to pop! It was the strangest thing! Luckily, our Elder's Quorum President was already there on hand to help jack the car and put on a spare tire.

Truly, it was impressive. I mean, I would have been satisfied with the EQ prez asking at church if there's anything he can do for us. But I tell you what, in this ward, our man is there before the tire even goes flat. Not to mention he knew to come pick up the firewood also. That's right! We are well taken care of in this ward!
That is, unless, there is an explosion and the EQ Prez decides to use you as a shield. Then you are on your own.
Oh, Adam you look so cute in that last picture . . . you still have the best legs in the ward!
Mmm, Hmm! That's what I say!
Remember the "Lonely Goatherder" talent show number when we gave him that title? I sure do.... :)
How can I forget? And of course, I can't forget our rendition of "wishin' and hopin'"? I am however, trying to forget Mark Bird's Yanni performance that night. . .
How can I forget? And of course, I can't forget our rendition of "wishin' and hopin'"? I am however, trying to forget Mark Bird's Yanni performance that night. . .
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