Well, my favorite blogger,
Tiffany, has issued a challenge to tell 100 things about yourself. It seems like alot, but I'll give it a go. Then, you do it, too! It's so fun to get to know you.
1. My feet are stinky.
2. I love guitar music with raspy-voiced female singers. It makes me feel artsy, I guess.
3. I talked to the Virginia Tax Department today (a woman with a southern drawl named "Willa Mae").
4. Apparently, they thought we were cheating on our taxes, thinking that we owned the place we rented and were collecting money on it. Not true.
5. I love hot spiced cider.
6. I really don't like getting up when it's dark in the morning.
7. I love that my toes are pedicured! I keep wearing open-toed shoes even though it's cold outside!
8. I check my email way too many times a day.
9. Both my sisters and I all have the same middle name: "Elizabeth"
10. I have never had a cavity or braces or anything.
11. I have terrible eyes.
12. Adam has great eyesight and terrible teeth.
13. I hate going to restaurants if I am served food that I could have made better myself.
14. I used to melt chocolate chips in the microwave and dip pretzels in them for a late night snack. But I stopped because the caffeine in the chocolate would keep me awake for hours and hours.
15. I won a cha-cha dance competition when I was in college. Betcha didn't know that!
16. I've never won first place in any music competition. Ironic, huh!
17. Maybe I should have been a dancer.
18. I loved watching "So You Think you Can Dance" this summer. I usually taped it and watched it about 3 times.
19. I am so glad we moved to Arizona. I loved the idea of Connecticut, but it wasn't working in reality.
20. I still have all my Christmas cards up on the wall. I can't take them down! I love them.
21. I love to read.
22. I love to blog.
23. I love to read your blogs.
24. I love to teach my kids piano. I'm surprised by this, actually. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do.
25. I would love to go to Australia or New Zealand someday.
26. I would also like to see Mount Rushmore, but really, South Dakota? Come on. Who's idea was that?
27. I am usually late.
28. I get so frustrated about #27.
29. I feel guilty about things.
30. I love that my mom loves to cook for us when we come to visit.
31. I love that Adam's mom still has My Little Ponies from 20 years ago that the girls love to play with when they come over.
32. I love to sing.
33. I'm not good at "3's and 7's" on Guitar Hero 3.
34. I'm not good at playing by ear.
35. I should lose 10 pounds this year.
36. I have no plans of accomplishing #35.
37. I am turned off by most politics.
38. I love listening to Garrison Keillor's "Prairie Home Companion."
39. The only tv that is ever on during the day is "Sesame Street."
40. I hate cleaning the shower/bathtub. In fact, that might have been what sealed the deal for me when I was dating Adam. For our cleaning check in our apartment, I had to clean the bathtub, and I was totally stressed out and overwhelmed, so, Adam said he couldn't do my homework for me, but he could clean the tub for me. I was completely smitten.
41. Adam's been responsible for cleaning tubs ever since.
42. I hate to be bored. So I usually schedule things till I'm really busy. Then, sometimes I overdo it, and I get overwhelmed. I've struggled with this my whole life.
43. I can find many many excuses not to dust or do deep cleaning. Many excuses.
44. I don't like Rock Band as much as Guitar Hero because there's no good GIRL rock songs, you know? They are very male-biased.
45. I get nervous driving with people in the car that I don't know very well. I can't concentrate, and I usually drive very poorly.
46. Otherwise, I'm a pretty good driver.
47. For three years in a row, I got a traffic ticket on December 26th. That was several years ago, but I always get nervous on Dec. 26th anyway.
48. I make Lizzie a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every single day for lunch. That's what she wants!
49. I love fresh fruit, and I miss our vegetable garden.
50. I have decorated our kids' rooms so many times, and then we have moved. I'm burnt out, I guess, because I haven't done a single thing for their rooms since we moved here.
51. I love volunteering in Lizzie's classroom. It makes me feel like a good mom.
52. Making Lizzie eat dinner in the car on the way to gymnastics makes me feel like a lame mom.
53. I used to read to Lizzie all the time when she was little. I wish that I did as much for Ivy.
54. I miss our Enrichment group and meetings. We had so much fun.
55. I should really go to bed.
56. I'm so glad we moved as much as we did.
57. My hair is turning gray.
58. I got a copy machine for Christmas.
59. I'm good at picking out paint color.
60. I don't like shopping all that much.
61. Unless I do.
62. I love lemon sorbet. So refreshing!
63. I stil might send out a Christmas card.
64. I love watching the kids play in the greenbelt after school.
65. Adam had to teach me how to throw a Frisbee after we got married. We used to practice at Garst Mill Park right behind our apartment in Roanoke.
66. I get to sing at ASU next week for a piano professor's master class. I'm excited and nervous.
67. Singing in the Phoenix Symphony Messiah group this past Christmas made me rethink the way I understood that music. It was an amazing musical and spiritual experience.
68. I'm too dramatic sometimes.
69. In school when I was younger, I was very very shy and quiet. I watched everybody.
70. I would like to go back to Europe someday with my husband.
71. I love a cozy fire. Nothing like it.
72. Who doesn't love a cozy fire? That's not unique.
Anna Karenina is my all time favorite book.
74. I love classics. In just about everything.
75. When I start a book, it is very difficult for me NOT to finish it. Unless it's really crude or nasty. But if it's boring, I will just keep on plugging on till the end.
76. I started the habit of reading the scriptures everyday when I was in primary, and I've hardly missed a day since.
77. I have no food storage.
78. I can't quilt.
79. I can't wait to go to New York City this March.
80. I miss NYC. Just being there makes one feel hip and urban.
81. Using the word "one" in the line above reminds me of my brother-in-law John. I wish I had a vocabulary like him.
82. I like to read about Britney Spears.
83. I watch America's Next Top Model.
84. My feet are always cold at night.
85. I have low blood pressure (thanks, Mom!)
86. Adam and I both have really great families. Loving, kind, fun and funny, smart and together.
87. Adam and I met at King Henry apartments in Provo, Utah.
88. I used to be obsessed with Speed Scrabble. It was the only game we played for years.
89. I recently learned about a game called "Yuker" that is played by only mid-westerners.
90. I was not invited to play said game.
91. I took Latin for a year in 7th grade.
92. I saw my first Broadway play (Les Mis) in New York with my Latin class on a Field trip. The play was in English, the book was originally in French, but I had no ethical qualms about that.
93. I climbed Mt. Sinai in Egypt. In the middle of the night in August. It's too hot otherwise.
94. I think you should stuff as many dishes into the dishwasher as are humanly possible.
95. Adam always wants to go to bed before I do.
96. I love talking to people one on one. I love figuring out what makes people tick.
97. Sometimes I wish I could figure my kids out better and understand what makes them tick.
98. I always wished I had big blue eyes. Now, I get to look at Ivy's big blue eyes, and I think that's even better than having them myself.
99. I'm a big believer in family bonding. I like to create moments that are postive and memorable.
100. I hope the kids remember those wonderful moments, because those moments are not getting scrapbooked!
Your turn! It's like we just had a big long late night conversation, and I told you everything about myself, and now it's your turn to spill. Come on, it doesn't hurt. It's fun.