Wednesday's 'Stauche: The Bruiser
Sunday's almost-lost -forever-but found-under-the-bed Moustache: The Hollywood
And now, the anticipation is over, the Third Grade Wax Museum was today! Here is our very own Elizabeth Cady Stanton, writer of the Declaration of Sentiments, and founder of the Women's Rights Movement:
The parents entered the room and all the children were still as statues. I mean wax. They were each holding a poster that was blank except for a large "button" that said "ON." When a parent touched this button, the wax figure suddenly came to life, telling the bystanders all the interesting and important facts of themselves. They each ended with saying, "Who am I?" and the parent would have to guess.
Yep, we sprayed her hair brown and curled it into ringlets! I mean, when do you get to do that for school, right? Not often enough, I say!

In other news, did you know Barack Obama came to Phoenix yesterday? Well, as a matter of fact, he did. Just ask Adam, he saw the whole thing. Adam works in building that has a view of the Sky Harbor Airport runway, and the way he tells it, yesterday afternoon, before Obama arrived, his cargo plane arrived, with his whole entourage, which includes: his helicopters, black armored cars (like three), and then, Air Force One flew in later that day, and all around the airport, they had roads shut down, police guarding underpasses and protecting roads, and before he landed, they shut down the runway, all of a sudden all the commercial airplanes stopped flying, and two helicopters started flying around in these strange formations to make sure it was safe. And after they landed, the helicopters went away.

Then this morning as Adam drove to work he looked on the runway, and there was Air Force One, sitting on the tarmac, next to the huge cargo plane. I don't care who you voted for, the office of the president is inspiring as an American.
Lizzie was personally affronted that she wasn't able to see the President, with him stopping in the neighborhood and all. So, I recorded his speech that he made this morning in Mesa. Tonight, we watched a few minutes of it before the kids went to bed. There was lots of cheering in the crowds, of course, and when we turned the tv off, Ivy jumped off the couch yelling, "Yay! Bajawma! Yay Bajawma!!" Which of course meant, "Yay Obama." We were in hysterics laughing at her.
And that concludes the news from the Stewart household.
I think I'm going to put my bajawmas on and go to bed.
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