So it's a pretty serious hike in the summer, but Adam and some other adventurous friends - Adam Dibble and Kevin Pike - have been wanting to hike it in the winter. Now it's getting interesting.
When Adam is excited for a trip, he packs early. As he's been gathering his materials this week, he's been asking me things like, "Aimee, have you seen my ice saw?" To which I predictably and helpfully reply, "I'm pretty sure the last time I used it was when I needed to cut that loaf of crusty bread last Saturday."
Even more interesting is that the weather is calling for a storm to come in tomorrow. Sadly, it will just miss them. But, as Adam was packing up tonight he was reviewing the weather and told me excitedly, "They're predicting 40 mile per hour winds tomorrow morning!"
I said, rather rationally, "Blech! That sounds awful! What if you're on the ridge when it's blowing 40 mph?"
And he got this look in his eyes just like Eli does right before he starts playing his DS and said, "No! That's down below! It will get up to 60 mph winds above the tree line!"
Again, me, rationally, "Won't that just blow you right off the mountain? Like if you open up your jacket, you could just become a human parachute?!"
Adam, gleefully, looking past my shoulder as he pictures an imaginary wind storm on the ridgeline of Mt. Humphreys, "It's going to be AWESOME!!"
You can see the avalanche danger and trail map HERE,
or HERE.
Aimee, your blog is such a delight to read. You mentioned the Christmas card winners, but I give you 2 thumbs up for blog writing.
I wish I could have gone. I wish I were a better friend so I could have been invited. I love the freezing winds and blowing off mountains stuff. Kevin complained all week about his fitness. He won't make it. I would have though!!
I played Call of Duty til 1am. I could have been sleeping. I am very sad now. But I will get over it.
You are a brave woman, Aimee!
Adam, I am jealous. 60 mph winds. That is awesome. Just think of the photos you will get at the summit with the wind in your hair, your wind burned cheeks, and your arms raised in triumph.
I can hardly wait to see.
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