Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ivy's gotten a bad rap on the blog lately, so...

Here's the reasons why she's the BEST:

1. Her super soft skin

2. Her lisp

3. Lately she's discovered "Dora" - we have a tape she watches over and over, and she knows all the words to say, and she totally talks back to the t.v. - it's so cute!

4. She doesn't give anything away. She won't smile at you just to be nice, believe me. I love that. You always know how she feels.

5. She loves dinner, and as soon as she sees me getting it ready, she'll set herself a place at the table and sit down till we're ready.

6. When she colors, she'll use a crayon from the box, and then she'll line each crayon up on the table when she's finished with it. She'll go through the whole box this way!

7. She calls Family Prayer "Funny Prayer."

9. I came around the corner in the library today and saw her sitting on a little kid chair with her legs dangling "reading" board books from a basket and then piling them up on the chair next to her.

10. She has the sweetest singing voice ever.

11. Her bedhead.

12. She totally got Deborah when we were out visiting in UT:

Deborah: Ivy? What's my name? Do you remember my name?

Ivy: Mommy.

Deborah: Noooo...try again, what's my name?

Ivy: Whitney.

Deborah: Nope!

Ivy: Grandma.

Deborah: Try again!

Ivy: Matt.

Deborah: No, silly! What's my name?

Ivy: Uncle Tom.

(Finally at this point Deborah realized she's being punked by a 2 year old)

Deborah: Okay, Ivy, what's my name?

Ivy: Chocolate.

Now Deborah (Chocolate) has a new nickname!

There. That should balance things out!

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