Lizzie and Audrey have been at it again.
Wednesday night, we finally had the kids all tucked in, and Adam and I were doing the dishes. Out comes Lizzie at 9:30 pm, all flustered.
"Mom! You have to call Audrey's parents!"
"Why? What's wrong?"
"We had a plan to meet at the greenbelt tonight at 12:00. I had my alarm set, but I just turned it off because I'm too tired. I won't be there to meet Audrey, so you have to call her parents!"
Adam and I are scraping our jaws off the floor. Lizzie goes on:
"She is going to bring the muffins, and I'm supposed to bring the flashlights."
Oh, sure. Yes, flashlights will keep you safe from all the evils of the world you might face. And if not, you can bribe people with the muffins. Sneak out and eat muffins in the middle of the night. Great idea. Is she aware that she just turned 8, not 18?
Lizzie goes back to bed. 20 minutes later, she's in the kitchen again.
"Did you call Audrey's parents yet?? If you don't call, she'll be there all alone!"
I did talk to Lisa that night, who said Audrey told her about this "Plan" earlier that afternoon, but said she wasn't actually going to do it. At least one of these girls has some sense in her! I told Lisa she better check her alarm clock, just in case!
"Lizzie, can you think of any other reason why it might not be a good idea to be out in the middle of the night with no adults?"
Lizzie thinks and then says: "Well there aren't any burglars in our neighborhood, are there?"
Oh child. My daughter with the vivid imagination, but still innocent spirit, burglars are the least of the scenarios I can conceive!
Oh my goodness. Compliments to you though that she had no qualms about telling you all about it. I do worry about these little innocents of ours. You don't want them to see the ugliness too soon, but at the same time safety is important. Sweet Lizzie.
Watch out! Not only are there burglars in your neighborhood, but sociopaths of every variety. Trust me. I've seen Medium on NBC. It takes place in Phoenix, and it has opened my eyes to the disproportionate population of nefarious characters who reside in AZ. I'm just saying.
Flashlights and muffins... what more do you really need?:>
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