No, he's not digging a grave. Not burying evidence. Adam's preparing our Arizona soil (a.k.a. rocky clay) for a soon-to-be thriving, flourishing vegetable garden! This has been something we have dearly missed from our house in Connecticut.
Early-February: Danger of frost is over. In fact, it never really started. Plant your tomatoes and various seedlings.
Mid-June: Finish harvesting vegetables before they burst into flames.
July: Stay inside and eat ice cream.
August: Start another round of veggies that like the heat and sun.
September: Broccoli, Cauliflower, lettuce
October: Artichokes. yes, artichokes. They like the cool 60 degree weather, I guess.
December: Beets, cabbage, carrots, peas, radishes. You won't be making a snow angel, but you can pick a fresh radish on Christmas morning!
So, that's it. We found all this great info at the Phoenix Gardening Calendar, and you can get to it by clicking here. Good stuff.
And hopefully, we'll have some eggplant, summer squash, lettuce, corn, tomatoes, green beans, cilantro, canteloupe and watermelon by April or May! Come on over, we'll make you a salad.
Congrats on the desert garden! You can strech out tomato time with shade cloth.
Aimage I am totally impressed. I pride myself on being a gardeness of the midwest - but you are right - that is a totally different scenario for the desert! And who would have thought - radishes during Christmas -nice. Have you ever checked out - they have some really cool varieties of seeds - our fav - purple carrots, purple bell peppers, and something called romanesco. FUN!
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