LOOK!! Look at all this candy! Imagine twice as much (at least). That's what we started out with. And it's not as if I have been hoarding it from the kids! This afternoon, in fact, Eli was bored and I said, please, please, eat as much candy as you can! When Ivy woke up and Lizzie came home from school, I gave them the same job, and you see what I am left with! TONS OF CANDY!! I've only had a few (dozen) pieces myself! But, this is what happens when you have three trick-or-treaters in one family. Candy overload. I had never thought about it before this year, but it's kind of insane. I mean, really, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL THIS CANDY???? Seriously!
I can't give it to the poor. No nutritional value. I can't can it. Or make it into jam, like I would if I had an overabundance of a fruit or vegetable. And I can't save it for next year. (Tacky Mother-of-the-year Award, not to mention old chocolate. Not to mention that the chocolate would never make it through an Arizona summer.) Throwing it out seems wasteful and mean. No, there is nothing to be done. I am simply forced to be tempted by it daily, and ration it out to the kids so they don't tip the scales of the childhood obesity crisis in America. I mean, what am I teaching my children? And HOW amd I supposed to handle them when they are on a constant SUGAR HIGH!! It's not as if they aren't naturally hyper and loud, and now, well, let's just say that on Sunday, I was counting down the hours till bedtime at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon.
I wish I had an actual recipe for "Sweet Dream Pie" which is the name of the book I read to the kids at bedtime tonight. In it, an old couple makes a humonguous pie and fill it with "everything sweet," and it lists everything on our counter, and then they bake it and serve it to the entire neighborhood and everyone eats too much and their sweet dreams turn in to wild dreams. But at least they got rid of the candy.
So, what are you doing with all your candy?
Here's our annual solution: use it to make gingerbread houses! Just buy a few peppermint candies to make it "Christmasy". Then throw the rest away because "it's gotten too yucky since Halloween." Works like a dream! It can be a bribe too since you don't want to eat too much "so we can save some for the Gingerbread house!"
We used to do the gingerbread house thing, too. It works really well, and the kids got to where they would actually pick out things to be put away for the house. It also makes a fun Christmas activity for everybody. We've got a recipe and pattern if you need one.
Hey! Now that's a good idea! I remember seeing your cute gingerbreadhouses on display at your house, Jenni! And I'd love the recipe, Alan. That'd be great.
What if someone gave you a carton of cigarettes? Would it be wasteful to throw it away?
Okay, that's a bit extreme... but point well made. I'll keep the cigs. Just kidding! I'll throw the candy out!
I feel the same way - CANDY EVERYWHERE! Brooke rations herself with " Mommy, if I stay dry all night I can have halloween candy." So I guess that is HER self imposed rule. Tyler gets it when Brooke does. And the I put it out for presidency meetings - 20 pieces or more gone in 1 hour. Of course I don't tell the kids how I got that candy - or why it doesn't match...Yes - we moms have to be creative. Squirrels will eat the candy - this we know too... so many choices...
Lucky for you, I have created a monster-candy-vacuum-child by the name of Ashley. She would be happy to consume any and all sugar products within smelling distance (I'm not sure Pheonix counts - I guess you'll just have to visit us to get rid of it). She does not discriminate any sugar product based on color, shape, size, packaging, country of origin, cleanliness, or previous use. Bring it on!
Hi Aim! Here's a comment from your Mom:
I loved the picture of all the Halloween candy on your counter! Before I read your explanation and I first looked at the picture, I thought it was a display of an Autumn centerpiece, or something you did for Enrichment!!! HA HA! It was really quite attractive--so artistic! Hey, on the news here after Halloween, there was a story about a dentist in SLC who lets kids bring in their candy and trade it for cash! For every pound of treats they get $1 in return! He gave away $200 that day! Talk about a lot of cavities prevented! Anyway, he donates the candy to the Festival of Trees for use in holiday trees and wreaths. Maybe you SHOULD make it into a permanent centerpiece, or something!
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