Ahem, ahem. Drumroll, please. We have a clever, coordinating couple here! (John, this may be used against you if you ever run for office...Erin, this might help you if (heaven forbid) you ever run for office.)
John went as a Republican..."They'll take my guns from my cold dead hands."

Erin went as a Democrat..."Bad things are happening in countries you shouldn't have to think about. It's all George Bush's fault, and the Vice President is Satan."

Together, living together in perfect harmony. Side by side on a piano keyboard, in fact. Why can't we?

That's right, baby!
John says, "I believe in three things: George W. Bush, trickle-down economics, and stock car racing."
I'd like to remind you all that John's family actually took me to a demolition derby.
You two KILL me!!
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