'Being that I was getting "hard core" gun accessories (cleaning supplies, ear protection, and a pouch for my shells), I wanted to make sure I went to a true gun store, so I immediately ruled out Big 5 Sporting Goods. I found a true Sporting Goods store named Del Res not far from work and I went there only to find out that all they had were cowboy hats, cowboy boots and fishing gear. The guy behind the counter recommended that I go to Shooters World - a store that has all firearm accessories.
So I traveled across town to Shooters World and as I approached the front door, I noticed a large stop sign that stated:
Being that I didn't have my concealed weapon on me, I confidently walked through the door. The interior of the store was nothing like any sporting goods store I'd seen before. There was lots of wide open space, white walls, and beautiful glass cases. I was expecting Cabela's, and got Tiffany's - only there were guns in glass cases instead of jewelry. It was surprisingly busy for a Monday afternoon. I quickly noticed the assult rifles hanging on the wall and the commando knives in the glass cases.

I walked over to the pistol case where I overheard a conversation of a couple men admiring the non-metallic construciton of the pistols (the better to get through security, of course). I'm usually not one to be uncomfortable around firearms, however, I started to realize that this store catered to a different crowd. I suddenly heard the pop of a semi-automatic weapon being fired, and thought "Who didn't bag their weapon?!?" as I almost dove behind the glass cases. Then I realized that there was an indoor shooting range in the back.
To the sweet melody of tinkling shell casings, I asked the man behind the counter where I could find a leather pouch to hang on my belt to hold my shells while I trap shoot. He gave me a puzzled look and said that the only leather products in the store were the concealable pistol holsters over in the corner. He recommended a product that was a shell carrier for our sawed-off assult shotgun (Arnold Schwarzeneggar Commando-style) Not quite was I was after.

At this point, my lunch break had lasted two hours, so out of desperation, I drove back to the other side of town and went to the Big 5 Sporting Good Store and found ... everything I needed.

Some people live in a totally different world. Yikes!
Yikes is right!
One of John's friends who grew up in AZ remembers when you could get $100 for bringing in a dead Coyote. He remembers waiting in the car while the YM's Pres. stopped to shoot a coyote and throw it in the back of the truck. Shooting has always been a part of life out there, I guess.
That sounds like my life everyday! JK - that is really crazy. I grew up in a very NON-gun lifestyle. I don't think I would like hunting... too bloody. Yeah - you are brave to enter that world Aimage!
Adam, I have the perfect solve. In Wisconsin we have a special in our area for the real gun enthusiast. You can go to the local jeweler and buy a ring for her and get a free shot gun for him. Let me know if you want me to pick up an anniversary or Christmas present for Amy. And you too can be rewarded.
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