I got home from the matinee performance at about 5:15, and everyone looked normal, but then, I got a call from Alyssa Pike (an 11 yr. old in our ward) who said she was returning Lizzie's call, and then I got an e-mail from Kim Tait, saying that Lizzie had called to talk to Ava (she's 18 months old.)
Well, it turns out that while I was gone and Ivy was taking her afternoon nap, Adam came up to Lizzie and Eli and said: "I'm going to take a nap now. Do NOT wake me up unless there is a disaster."
"Like if Ivy wakes up?" they asked innocently (they are known for loudly checking up on her and claiming she's awake, which she is by then.)
"No, like if the house is on fire," Adam says.
"What if the microwave is on fire?" they ask.
"Yes, that too." And then he went to sleep.
The two hooligans then proceeded to call every one of their friends and acquaintances on the phone list and tell them that Mom was at choir and Dad was asleep and they weren't supposed to wake him up unless there were fires involved, so they were just passing the time by going down the ward list and calling everyone they knew. When Adam came back to the land of the living, he found Lizzie chatting on the phone with Audrey Andrews. Apparently, when she noticed Adam, she rolled her eyes and said, "Well, I gotta go. Bye."
When did she turn into a teenager??
When questioned, Eli said he didn't call anyone, Lizzie pushed all the buttons. But he tried to talk to Andrew Sandberg, Nathan Cowley, and Max Andrews. Lizzie also called Sarah Hausmann and Dallin Dayes. And those were just the people they remembered to tell us about!
Don't worry, everyone, we had an improptu "Stewart Safety" lesson over dinner and discussed unauthorized phone usage.
I'll think twice before I decide to do another Sunday matinee performance right in the middle of nap time, I'll tell you that much!!!
Okay - we did get a message and it was so dang hilarious! It's even funnier to know now what was really going on! No worries, we're just honored to be on their "list."
The dangers of nap time, hilarious!
Aren't you glad they just used the ward list, instead of the family list? (On the other hand, we would have liked to chat with them...)
I am frequently victim of the naptime phone calls, which I LOVE. Most of the messages saved on my voicemail are from Lizzie or Eli. I've been asked for bubblegum, I've heard movie quotes, the WORKS. Keep 'em coming!
So far, we've heard from 14 families (victims, if you prefer!) who got phone calls that fateful afternoon - some of them more than once!
that is SO funny - I got a great laugh from that one!
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