Kim was excited to wear her new dress to church today too. It's so her. So unique; so original. LOVE the color.
Well, it was the curse of Fairview Street.
I admit, I was diggin' the shoes she paired with the dress. But did you notice my necklace??
And please, don't vote. If there's anyone I don't want to be in a fashion contest with, it's Kim! For heaven's sake, she could wear a couch slipcover and make it look fabulous!! I'm just flattered I bought the same dress as such a fashionista! :)
PS Kim, I claim every 3rd Sunday all summer long for this dress. 
Looks like you have the same great taste!
I miss you! What am I going to do without my weekly Aimee fix? We need to schedule some giggle + ice cream dates for this summer!!!
Ha! I love it. I bet Kim considers herself lucky to be in your company, too!!!
LOVE the dress!
What are the odds of that!? I like your new hair cut Aimee.
Done. Fast Sundays are MINE. :) LOL
That was really funny. Kim was sitting in front of us in Sacrament Meeting, and then you got up to lead the kids, and I did a double-take! I'd be happy to be in the same fashion category of either you or Kim. You're both so vogue! :)
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