First order of business: Fold a mountain of laundry. This will lessen the time spent digging in piles of clean clothes looking for matching socks. Hey, at least it's clean laundry we're digging through.
Secondly: Fingernails. When I'm distracted, this tend to get out of hand. (punny!haha.) I had some kids to declaw today.
Thirdly: Cooking. I should probably start again. But then I'd have to buy groceries. Gladly and gratefully, thanks to two A-Maz-ing visiting teachers, I don't need to cook dinner for a couple more days. I love you Jane and Xan! :)
Fourthly: Confirm Friends on Facebook. I'm all caught up there now. Whew!
Fifthly: Post a picture of my cute kids. Haven't done this for like an entire week!
Sixthly: Plan an elaborate Primary Music lesson for Sunday that involves art and posters and lamination. Ha! Tricked you! I never do that in the first place! We shoot from the hip in TO2.
Seventhly: Learn some Russian pronunciation. Stat. For two Russian solos next Saturday. Oi.
Eighthly: Piles of papers. Oi again.
Ninethly: Oh, this is a biggie - we've a Scottish wedding to prepare for, me laddies! Fetch me a kilt - lads' size 6! Fetch me a passport for me lass Ivy! And fetch me the Loch Ness monster while we're at it!
Tenthly: Attempt to express the depths of gratitute for dear friends and family, (and mostly my insanely supportive husband), that have helped me along this Children's Choir adventure for the last 12 months. If I haven't expressed it enough to you, it's because I am humbled and at a loss of words to tell you how much I am strengthened by you and inspired by you and bolstered by you! Thank you.

Oh, I sooo feel for you. But I know that you will somehow pull it all off. And then, hopefully you can do something really fun again and ignore all that boring stuff for a while!!
your babies are sooo cute. lizzie looks so much older with braces! and that picture from the concert is amazing. you must use it for publicity next season!!
I love and appreciate you too Aimee!
You are amazing, as usual! And sometime in the last few months, Ivy's hair has gone dark. The concert looks great; I so wish I could have heard it. One of these years...
What a great list! (not so great having to get it all done, but wonderful too!) I too wish I could come to one of your no-doubt fabulous concerts. Good luck with you kilt-buying, kid-flying trip to Scotland!
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