Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A.I. Rock Night

For the first time in 2 years, I have decided to watch a full episode.

The reasons for my boycott of Idol are many and varied, but my curiosity won out tonight.

Bottom Line:
If they could combine Adam Lambert's voice with Kris's stage presence, we'd have a winner.

But my suspicions have been confirmed. The judges don't listen or watch the performances at all and try to sway the voters to their previously decided favorites. Their comments don't relate to what they just saw or heard at all. It's so annoying! This is one of the reasons I stopped watching this show.

But I will say...I love the duets. They should have added this feature years ago!

And this is the first time I've seen the show with instruments allowed. The guitar is a very great feature.


Adam's solo - I've never heard the song before, but his voice is truly amazing. He's just so difficult to watch.

Allison: She's so cute - what a face! Her voice was really good. It looks like the judges have been beating her down for a while, and it's giving her a complex. Again, I didn't know the song. But seriously, there were a total of 3 different notes. Bad choice choice vocally!

Kris & Danny Duet: Sucked. They only sounded good in their harmonies. Their solo parts were out of tune and yucky sounding. They don't look like they like each other either - it didn't look fun.

Kris: I liked it. It was a great performance. True, his voice isn't as powerful, but his mannerism and face were so charming, it was really fun to watch him.

Danny: Painful. And he looks just horrible on stage. No place, no right to be there. Why aren't they trying to oust him instead? He's terrible. I know this song, and I know it's supposed to be a big scream at the end, but that was the strangling-est chortled death screech I've ever heard. It actually physically hurt my voice just to listen to him.

Duet: Slow Ride. Know it thanks to Guitar Hero. This is great. Their voices match perfectly - great duet. Allison has a lot of sparkle on stage. I like her. And again, Adam's got the award for best vocal chops. He's gifted. But so creepy to watch. Is that really the image American Idol is going for? If so, he's the winner.


Darcie said...

Congrats on your first year with the CCC! What an accomplishment. The last picture in your last post is beautiful. You look like a natural up there conducting those kids. Amazing. And good for you for taking some time out to watch AI. I've been a loyal fan for years, but this year is so lame. I don't watch. :(

Amy said...

Okay, I love your takes. I'll admit, I really enjoy Adam. Usually when he performs I can't take my eyes off him. The guy is a born performer! A bit creepy last night, yes, but it was a show. Google him and watch him in Wicked. And you're totally right about the death screech - I couldn't sleep for an hour because it scared me so much.

Jenni said...

I feel a little concerned about your lack of familiarity on Classic Rock Anthems and feel it my duty, as your trusted friend, to educate you as I best can. Possibly a "mix-tape" will help, and at the very least, several sessions of Rock Band and Guitar Hero ought to do the trick. (Did I just date myself? Do you even know what a "mix-tape" is? hee hee) I'm pretty certain all the songs from last night are downloaded on our PS3. I believe the more approriate title for last night was "Guitar Hero and Rock Band Night"!

Jenni said...

P. S. I (heart) Kris Allen.