Well, then you haven't been to the Original Pancake House! Nothing compares!
(and when they say "across the street," they mean across a huge major road. How convenient.
Front desk:Want water? You're askin' for it! Seriously, I haven't had such poor service in years. Our waitress was RUDE!!! Not to mention, we could hardly understand her and we had to wait at least 15 minutes anytime we needed anything.
Not only were there at least 4 signs in the restaurant about turning off your cell phones, it was also in the menu in big block capital letters, right next to the "WE DON'T ACCEPT DEBIT OR CREDIT CARDS" section of the menu. I was SO happy when Ward called Lisa and she answered the phone. Oh, and by the way, I took all these pictures with my cell phone. Ha.
I will admit, though, that the Dutch Baby was pretty dern delicious.

As we were trying to pay (cash) to the annoyed host at the front desk, Lisa noticed yet another sign that read "GOOD FOOD TAKES TIME" and also "NO OATMEAL TILL DECEMBER."
Ohhhh. Wish I'd seen that one sooner. And good thing I didn't order oatmeal. I'd be there til Christmas!
But no restaurant, no matter how good the food is, has the right to be RUDE!!!
Which brings me to Pizzaria Bianco.
I should be mad. I could be mad. But I am not mad. We (the Andrews and Stewarts) tried four different times over a period of 8 months to go to this restaurant. It has a reputation for long waits. One night we went, we only got there 15 minutes before it opened, and it was a 4 hour wait. No joke. Another time, we all rearranged our schedules so that we could get there before it opened on a Tuesday. We thought we got the best them that night. Well, we didn't know who we were messing with. They were closed that Tuesday. Not the next day, mind you, just that Tuesday.
But, for my 30th birthday last week, I wanted the unattainable. I wanted Bianco. We had a plan. The Andrews got there first to secure our place in line one full hour before it opened, and us Stewarts and the Laytons came in later. And we got it in the first sitting!!!!
and the food was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. We ordered alot and we ate Everything.
And the waiter was so nice! And we paid with a credit card! And if we wanted to call someone on our cell phones, we could have!
I loved it. I'm sold.
Wow!!! I don't think I would believe that such a place existed if there weren't pictures...
I am so sad that we missed the birthday night. We were at the lake with Paul's bro from Cali. Jenni let me know what a great afterparty you all had. Wish we were there...we could have added to the fun. Happy Birthday Amiee. You Rock!
isn't it the greatest? it took me two weeks of timing out just the right time to call for a reservation for my birthday this year! but it's worth it, right? i hope you had the speidini appetizer. and all the pizzas are amazing.... glad it was a good birthday for you!!!
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