She likes to create things. This summer, she, Eli, and their BFF's Audrey and Max created The Dream Club. I believe I have shared an installment of their newspaper in an earlier post.
Well, in the latest installment of the Dream Club Newsletter, it was announced that they have created a band named "The Dreamers" and that they were soliciting fans for their Band. The kids worked really hard on making copies of this cute newspaper and bicycling around the neighborhood, dropping them off at houses.
A couple of days later, Lizzie says to me: "Mom! I have to check my email and see how many fans we have!" I helped her log onto her Gmail account, which we set up so she could email her grandparents, and then I got distracted making dinner. When I went to check my email later that night, this is what I found:
i can't belive it! nobody wants to be a fan of the dreamers! i feel
like nobody even cares about our newspaper!
is there any way you can help?
love, lizzie
p.s if you don't help, i don't think anybody will come
to our show. please email me back with some ideas.
Well, you might as well wrench my heart out and stomp on it! I felt horrible. Like any jaded advertiser, Lizzie had learned the hard way that print advertising is out. I steered her towards internet marketing. I asked Lizzie to write up an email and that she could ask for fans that way. This is what she wrote:
dear ______,
my best friend,audrey, her brother max,eli and i started a club called
the dream club. so, we decided to start a dream club band, and we called it the
dreamers.we are going to do a show soon. the only problem is we don't have any decide if you are a fan or not, and only the fans come. after our main
song, we'll have a big party! plus you get free candy.
2.00 a ticket
4.00 a backstage pass
8.00 tour of many things
10.00 souvenires & treat
hope you can come!!!!
p.s. will you be a fan? please email me back.
Then I showed her how to send it to all her family and a few neighbors who received the newspaper. Grandparents to the Rescue! We have such a supportive and fun-loving family, who all emailed her back and pledged their Ultimate Fan-dom. Every day, she would check her email, and then gleefully add to her list of fans. When Grandma V. sent $4.00 in the mail so they could be part of the Fan Club, Audrey and Lizzie decided it was time to put on their first show.
Well, it was an event! We had the Andrews and the Taits and us. I figured we better serve up some dinner, to thank the "fans" for their generosity! I even made This Punch in honor of it.
The Dream Club worked for several days beforehand, preparing, and their hard work paid off. Lizzie and Audrey made a huge list of things to do, like sweep the stage, bake cookies, make "souvenires," plan hair-do's, buy the candy, and set up the Tour of Many Things. It was a Raging Success! And all together, they made $17 dollars last night, to be put in the Dream Club Bank. For what, you ask? For future candy, I can only suppose. And because Lizzie says that this is a Real Club, not a kiddy club, because they have Field Trips (to the Front Yard) and Fundraisers. She's got a point. They really do have a Real Club.
The pre-show set-up with the tarp covering the stage.
They said "free candy," and they meant it! Kim was pelted by numerous Starbursts.
And I just want to give a shout out to all the FANS!!! This wouldn't have been possible without you! :)