Here's a little photo journal of my awesome trip! Enjoy!
Nicole and her darling boys, Henry and Jackson. What a sweet family!
Royal Arch - a 4 mile hike climbing 1500 vertical - and so worth every altitude wrenching breath!
My friend Lynn Copes enjoying the view!
A peek through the arch of the Boulder Flatirons.
My crazed look with my crepe.
The Royal Arch Quartet: Soprano (me), Brian the Bass, Bruce the Tenor, and Lynn the Alto.
My sweet host and new friend, Pat
A delicious lunch in Boulder - organic, fresh - very typical Boulder style!
This is Banjo Billy with his Bus Tour
It was part tour, part stand-up comedy, and we all loved it. Except when he was holding his microphone in one hand, gesturing with the other, and turning back to look at our reactions. While he was driving the bus. Eeek! No, he was great.
A pretty little part of Boulder I saw.
Watching the sunset over the Rockies with Heather and her host family
You had to be there - this picture doesn't do it justice!
Clementine, Pat's beloved Bassett Hound.
Simone, Ann, Leslie, Tia and me.
I spent an afternoon reading a book on a bench here - such a treat!
Dr. Gentry, our choir conducter in the music hall at Chautauqua in Boulder
My view

And finally, here's Lynn, recreating the yoga class we went to where she turned from an alto to a contortionist as Brian looks on! This kind of thing kept us entertained while we were at the airport for 6 hours before boarding our plane! Good times! :)

love the pics! i'll have to come over some day to play (toby and ivy) and you can teach me more blog stuff!
Hey aimee. I'm leaving my first comment ever!!!! yeah, for me. Just wanted to say hi. I always enjoy reading your blog - you're still a pretty funny gal. It was fun seeing pics of Nicole. I roomed with her at the Hill Cumorah Pageant. Such a cool girl. Tell her I said hi the next time you talk to her.
yay! I borrowed (okay, stole) some of these for my blog, which I promise I'll try to maybe possibly keep updating. but do you see what I mean about my mother?!? :)
Hey we were just in CO too. Although I haven't gotten my pics edited yet. We would have loved to have bumped into you guys. Your friend is doing some mighty impressive things in an airport - I think I would have been thoroughly entertained as well.
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