Two years ago this month, Ivy had tubes put in her ears (yes, as a 9 month old!!). I had imagined plumbing tubes and pipes going through my infant daughter's head.
This morning, Ivy was eating her breakfast and her hair was up, and the sunlight shone just right into her ear canal, and there was her ear tube! Perched right there in her ear! It should have fallen out a year ago like the other one did, but I guess it was comfortable in there. Nice and waxy.
That itty bitty tube turned my life around, folks. Wait, let me rephrase: It turned Ivy's life around. She went from perpetually sick and snotty to healthier, cuter and happier. Which is why my life got a whole lot happier right around the same day. All thanks to that green speck you see here. Isn't medicine amazing?!
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