Lizzie entered the Reflections Art Contest through her school last fall. It works like this: They give you a theme, and you create artwork that goes along with it. Then they judge the entries at the school level, the regional level, the state, and then national level. The theme this year was "I Can Make a Difference By..." and Lizzie decided to write a song for piano titled "I Can Make a Difference By Making New Friends." She spent most of fall break working on it, and it was really good for her - she learned a lot about writing music.
She wrote it for piano, and we (with Jenni Layton's help!) recorded her playing it.
She received recognition at school, and went on through the levels, and today, we went to a reception up in Sun City to honor all the state winners. Lizzie won an "Award of Merit" along with three other kids from the state grades K-2 for original music. She got a really nice medal with her name engraved on it.
Go Lizzie!
Her description of the song: "The song starts out that someone at recess is sad and lonely. Then I go ask them if they want to play, and we go on the slides. Then, the ladder, the rockwall, then the monkeybars, and then it is finally time to go in and you can hear the bell. And we're both happy because we're both friends."

Love this Aimee. Way to go Lizzie!
What a huge accomplishment! I look forward to hearing your next composition!
Lizzie, that's terrific! I don't know if you have software to help you write down your compositions; if you don't, you can download a very good program for free from www.finalemusic .com/notepad
Enjoy! Grandpa Alan
That was so sweet! Great job to Lizzie. I'm impressed that she chose to write music and I like the concept and the result. Good going.
Loved the song Lizzie!! When we first moved to Georiga, Allie wrote an origonal song--the theme that year was "My favortie place" and Allie's song was titled "I love Utah"--she made it all the way to state--kind of funny if you think about--it a song about Utah, winning in Georgia!
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