Well, we were excited last fall when a new health food restaurant came in: SOMA. It was very chic and looked nutritious and delicious. I kept meaning to go in sometime, but never did. They didn't last there very long.
Now we have a new restaurant. You gotta see it to believe it.

Tagline: "Taste worth Dying for!"
They only sell burgers (Single Bypass, Double Bypass, etc.), Fries (Fried in REAL LARD), unfiltered cigarettes and beer. Delivered by waitresses/nurses. Funny. I'm dying of laughter over their creativity.
Can you believe this is a profitable business in this age? It's so disgusting, I can't stand it. I think I'm more upset about this than the casino getting put in.
Makes you want to go order up huh? You know, there was actually a lawsuit against this restaurant about a year ago in California (it's a chain... isn't that nice?) because the National Nurses Association felt they were misrepresenting nurses. I'm pretty sure the restaurant won the lawsuit. They also won loads of free publicity. Nice.
It bugs me they just repainted that plaza with the tan and brown so everything matches and these ding-dongs paint their red and white! I'm hoping it follows the trend of it's predecessors and we'll see them packing their sign in no time!
SOMA wasn't much better. I got the pancakes and could have lived off them for four days they were so oversized!
WOW - that is some heavy duty shameless food selling. I am with you - I would have LOVED the other place. Totally my style.
SOMA was awesome. Yummy baked sweet potato fries, free wi-fi, smoothies...now we get this place with 'burgers, fries and smokes' on the menu.
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