Our piano had surgery performed this past week! There was a crack in the bridge (occurs when a piano is moved from dry to humid climates and back!), and it was making all the strings go out of tune. Tuning it would make the crack bigger, so we needed to fix the crack, and then tune it. All the strings had to come off and then get put back on. It took two days and several hours, oh, and plenty of dinero.
As soon as Mr. Pixley took the lid off the piano, Eli was right by his side, peering inside and the questions started firing off: "What are you doing?" "What's that?" "How does that work?" "What is that thing connected to?" "What happens if I push this?"
Try as I might, Eli wouldn't keep away from the poor man. I'd bring him over with me, and he'd slip away and go back to the piano. I think he finds the inside of the piano more interesting than the outside!
Mr. Pixley was so so nice, and said that as long as Eli was quiet, he was welcome to watch, and he promised he'd answer all his questions at the end. Well, you know how hard it is for that kid to be quiet! But he managed, and finally, Mr. Pixley was finished. He was so patient and kind and explained all the intricate workings of the piano to Eli. Eli loved it.
If Mr. Pixley wants an apprentice someday, he's got my number.
I love hearing about your family and how much your kids have grown! What a great mom you are, seriously.
Did Eli happen to ask Mr. Pixley what that middle pedal is for, and if anyone has ever used it properly, and if so, could anyone tell?
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