Thursday, June 10, 2010

No Time, Any Problem

So, I was hanging out with Ivy today and she did me a favor, so I told her, "Thank you, Ivy!"

She replied, "No time!"

. . . HuH?

Then Lizzie and I realized that she was mixing up the two phrases "No problem!" and "Any Time!" to make a new phrase: "No Time!" Which naturally led us to the other mixed-up phrase: "Any Problem!"

I was thinking about it and decided that this has kind of been the Stewart family motto this week.

Broken Transmission? "Any Problem!"

Need a new hairdryer? "No Time!"

Accidently broke the pool filter which was just replaced? "Any Problem!" "No Time!"

I'm hoping we can get un-mixed up soon here, because this family motto is getting expensive! :)

1 comment:

emo said...

Huh-LAR-ious. Don't forget the time when I jumped into the pool and Ivy said, "Don't get caffeine in your eyes!"