For your health and safety, you should read thoroughly.
IF your daughter is waiting for a phone call from her friend and brings two phones outside so she can hear it ring (1 phone isn't good enough - 2 is better)...
...and IF in the event that two of your three home phones are placed directly on the hood of a car...
... and IF in the event that several hours later someone gets into the very same vehicle...
...and IF the driver unwittingly drives the car onto a busy freeway...
...and IF she notices some unforeseen object hit her windshield just before merging onto a busy freeway...
...and IF the driver comes home to a confused and befuddled husband who is wondering where 2 of his 3 home phones are...
...there's a good chance your phone ended up HERE:
Then, if while driving on the freeway two days later, suspicious that the mystery objects that had hit your windshield were more than a piece of tire or cardboard box, you notice a phone-like object off to the side of the road...
Here's what I found...
I brought him home. Adam put some new batteries in, and ...
...Voila! It works.
Well, 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
This is the reason I read your blog so's hilarious. I definitely can relate!!
Wow, you guys are always up to something fun. Even if it's on a busy freeway:)
So I am laughing my head off! Love it!
I love it! Once I unknowingly spread an entire folder of choir music all down our street. I had no idea it happened until the next week a neighbor (who I didn't know - we just moved in) kindly asked, "Are these yours? I heard you are a piano teacher, so I gathered these all up." They still bear the marks of many tire tracks to this day.
But . . . a phone? 2 phones? THAT is good.
Leslie, do you remember when I drove to a Roanoke Symphony concert with my entire choir folder on the roof of my car? I never found it even after looking in all the Virginia brush. So sad! I had to repay them for all the music and had to borrow a folder for the concert that night!
Oh Aimee, that is way to funny. Really, I would risk my life too in order to retrieve a beloved phone....NOT! :-)
Glad I found your blog off of Holly's.
You have no idea how many times I have done the same thing...only you had better luck. I NEVER got my phone back!
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