But there was one that stood out above the rest. It was elaborately wrapped and inside was a pretty tin box.
Grandma and Grandpa made them wait till the very end to open it...and when they did, what did they find, but...
Another Bumpy Spoon!
Faithful readers will remember the difficulties I as a mother faced when mediating constant fights this past summer between Lizzie and Eli and our one and only Bumpy Spoon. New and Sporadic Readers may catch up here
So, it turns out that Grandma Vickie was going through a drawer and came across an exact replica of what we thought was the One and Only Bumpy Spoon! She knew this would make a fine Christmas Gift for the Stewart children! :)

Does this mean there will be no more fighting in our house? I certainly hope so! :)
Yeah! Great job Grandma:) Until Ivy wants one all to herself.
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it...
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