Here's Eli's:

You probably think it's pretty cute, huh.
But if you know Eli, you know that he has lips. So look carefully at the picture.
This is what we call in our family "Eli No-Lips." It's this game that the kids play when they smile a ridiculous smile in which the lips are pulled in and tucked up into the gums and completely out of sight. The kids regularly make this face to drive me crazy.
Couple that with his mischevious twinkle in his eyes, and what do you get? A pre-meditated prankster picture! Argh!!
It reminds me of another school picture taken of another such mischevious prankster a few years ago. Check this out:

The truth is, Matt doesn't even wear glasses! Can you imagine holding that pose wearing fake glasses without cracking while the school photographer took your picture??? Takes alot of guts, I say. And for the record, this was way before Twitch came along with his fake glasses.
And Matt didn't even tell my mom - he just brought home the school pictures a few months later and dropped them in front of her on the kitchen counter. She almost had a heart attack.
It's like Eli's been taking lessons from him or something.
Oh, and today is Matt's 19th Birthday!! Keep Smiling, Brotha! Cant' wait to hear about your mission call!
This article should be in the usa today. it deserves an award. What an awesome picture of my little Nephpoo-I mean-Nephew. CLASSIC!
Oh this is matt by the way, not elizabeth...:)
Luke heard me laughing and when he read it, he joined me. Thank you!
What are little boys to do?? They just can't help themselves. I can't wait to see that hanging on your wall.
I have a feeling more pictures like this will be coming due to his genetic make-up (Matt Jr.)! I forsee many YouTube videos in Eli's future as well.
I love how Matt chose to include potty humor in his comment. It reminds me all too well of the time Eli said, "I like Matt. He says 'poo'."
That is the funniest thing ever! I can't believe he would do that for a high school picture. TOO FUNNY!!!!! Especially with the glasses. I would love to hear what the photographer was thinking!
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