We had a family conference call this afternoon, with 14 of us on the phone as he opened the letter and read it out loud!
He is postponing college and girls and YouTube and he is going to serve and work and help people learn more about Christ and our gospel for 24 months!
He has been asked to check into the MTC (Missionary Training Center) on March 25th, 2009, and he has been asked to serve the people in .................(drumroll, please!).............................
AHHH!! We are so excited for him (x 10) ! And we are so grateful to him for his example of worthiness, selflessness and service.
We love you MATT!! You're going to learn Japanese! Holy cow!
Now excuse us, we're going to go to Wikipedia and learn everything we can about Nagoya, Japan!!
wow, japan! i can't imagine how daunting and exciting this must be for him. but what a growing experience it will be!
Matt's turning Japanese, I really think so...
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