It's a little out of the way, but it's totally unique and worth the drive. It has xerascape landscaping; with wide, expansive views.
The directions are easy: Take I-10 to I-8 and drive until you get to the first restaurant you see. It's about a 3 hour drive.
That marginally creepy happy face just makes me want to do laundry.
You know, doing laundry makes me thirsty. Thirsty for Drinking Water. In our family, we prefer the Salty version. So you can imagine our disappointment when we found this place:
Dang!! We wanted SALTY Drinking Water. Argh. Sometimes you just can't win.
Directions: stay on I-8 for several more hours or until the kids start eating the seat cushions because they're so bored. Here's the view while you're driving. Not to be confused with Africa. (The phone lines are a dead giveaway.)
So let's make a date at the Good Time Cafe! Come on down! We'll do our laundry together!
We love the "salt free drinking water". That is a looooonngggg drive! You are the best parents for doing it!
I love it! Count me in.
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