There is something we do here in Arizona when we want to have a big party in December with kids. Someone pays aLOT of money and hires someone else to load a dumptruck full of snow from somewhere cold like Flagstaff and then drive 2 hours down to Phoenix real fast and dump it in the parking lot. PARTY! (But party quick, cuz it's melting before your very eyes.)

I saw this for the first time last year, and I was so confused - ("Did it just snow on this little square patch in the parking lot? What kind of strange El Nino weather pattern was THAT?")
I love the kid with her capris and short sleeved shirt walking onto the pile of snow. I can just imagine her conversation with her mother before they got there:
"Honey, this is called a "glove." We put it over our hands - kind of like a little jacket for our fingers. It protects our fingers when they start feeling this strange sensation people call "getting cold."
We gots to do what we gots to do.
Wow - that would be weird for a GLOVE to be a new experience.. or a scarf...or snowboots...etc. Yeah, I can only I turn the heat down to a cold 62 degrees for the night...chatter chatter...(teeth)
I'm impressed with the number of kids in parkas. Where did they get them and why would they need them? Was the patch of snow that cold or was it just an excuse to wear them, like a Halloween costume?
If I'm being truthful, it was actually a bit chilly that day. I dug in the back of my closet and found my old parka (last time it was worn was in Utah over Christmas last year!) For our kids, we just had to use layers of turtlenecks and sweaters. I guess we'll have to buy them parkas for Christmas in Utah again!
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