We have been so looking forward to Lizzie getting some real homework for so long that when she brought home the paper last week explaining about a project due next Wednesday, we were so excited! Lizzie's first real homework! Here's what it was: A project where she has to make a timeline of her life. Sounds simple enough - she's only 7. Well, lemme tell ya, folks, it was no picnic. We spent no less than 5 hours on this thing. Because, you know, it's Lizzie's homework and all, and she's supposed to do it, but I have to supervise, to make sure she isn't spelling incorrectly and why in the heck are all the good markers Permanent? There is no room for error, my friends, and the pressure is on. I stepped away for a second, and I came back to "Aunt Erin got merried, May 2003." But upon further thinking, I realized that both words worked equally well. So we left it.
So, please enjoy our joint effort masterpiece. Please note that she starts with her birth, and ended with what she learned in school today. We were nothing if we weren't thorough. Please also note the time of this post (I just put Lizzie to bed an hour ago).
I will admit, though, it was pretty sweet to look at everything she's done and everywhere she's been and everything she's learned in the last 7 1/2 years. Even she got teary at the end saying, "I wish I could go back in time! I've done so many things!" So I suppose the homework served its purpose.
I guess what I hadn't realized is that now I get "real" homework, too!
Looks great! Love the Vana White pose too.
thanks Sis. garner!
from lizzie
Lizzie, what a great life you've lived so far! Just keep it coming, kiddo!
Grandma P.
What a fun timeline! I hope you can hang it up in your room or on your door.
Grandma Vickie
Lizzie this is very impressive, nice work!
I'm honored to be part of Lizzie Stewart's extensive, complicated, emotional life.
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