On Thursday, I was trying to tell Adam what I had done yesterday, and I knew I had been incredibly busy and that I was exhausted, but I couldn't really tell him why. Well, then I started listing off the number of meals I had assembled or cooked, not including snacks. You can judge for yourself.
BREAKFAST7 a.m.: made Lizzie a bagel with schmear
assembled Lizzie's lunch
Prepared Adam's breakfast toast
7:30: Eli and Ivy want bagels, so I schmear and serve
Eli also wants scrambled eggs
8:00 The eggs have finally cooled to tepid and Eli is willing to eat them.
8:30 Eli thought "the more salt, the merrier" and did 24 shakes onto his eggs, which are now completely inedible.
9:00 I eat some yogurt for breakfast and Eli finally goes to preschool.
LUNCH11:15 Ivy eats lunch, because I know she's going to fall asleep when I pick up the preschool carpool, and I'm hoping she'll actually stay asleep for a nap. HA! I have a few bites of her chicken nuggets, but I'm really not that hungry yet.
11:45 We leave to pick up the carpool.
12:25 After dropping the kids off at their respective houses, we go directly to Paloma to pick Lizzie up. It's early day, and she had lunch at school, but Eli hasn't yet, and I'm starting to get cranky, because now I am hungry, too.
12:35 Ivy wakes up 7 seconds before Lizzie gets in the car.
12:45 I give Eli some lunch, Ivy and Lizzie a snack, and try to put Ivy down for her real nap.
1:30 I eat lunch.
DINNER4:20 After homework and piano, Lizzie needs to eat an early dinner, since she has gymnastics tonight from 5-8. I assemble some random food.
4:53 After Lizzie changes, gets her hair done and we actually get all of us in the car with all our shoes on and seat belts clicked, we're late and racing to the gym. Eli and Ivy, who are hungry now, are trying to eat the corn dog that Lizzie is eating in the car. With ketchup. All three are ravaging a plastic baggie of sliced apples as I plead helplessly from the driver's seat to let Lizzie eat them and make promises of more food coming soon.
5:20 Now it's time to make dinner! Eli and Ivy have turned into adroit scavengers, sneaking bits and pieces of anything edible they can lay their hands on.
6:15 I've made a nice dinner of marinated chicken, corn on the cob, and salad with avocados and sauteed mushrooms. Adam's not home yet, but I'm starving, and the kids are eating the place mats.
6:30 By the time we officially start eating, the kids are not hungry anymore, so they each eat a half cob of corn (Eli was closely monitored with the salt this time) and call it good. Well, I take that back. Ivy also ate about 15 tomato slices and some baked beans. I'm not exaggerating about Eli.
6:40 Adam comes home, and he's the first person
not to say "EW! Slimy!" when he sits down at the table to the avocados and mushrooms. We finish up dinner together, then put Eli and Ivy to bed.
8:15 Lizzie comes back from gymnastics and is justifiably hungry. We rustle up some (more) grub.
9:15 Adam asks what I did today. All I can say is that I fed the kids. He's just lucky I didn't FedEx the kids. Ha! You think I'm joking!!
(i am, i think)