Friday, January 29, 2010


I have finally learned, after having four kids, that this time right now is precious. With Lizzie, I found myself wishing the time away - I wish she would get bigger and smile and sleep longer and roll over and say her first word and take her first step... and... and... look what happened.

Lizzie in March 2000:

Lizzie in 2010:

So even though the nights are still sleepless, and Oliver is either eating or sleeping or wet or fussy most of the time, this is the sweetest time. And when it's three-thirty in the morning and the whole house is dark and quiet, there's nowhere else I'd wish to be than in my rocking chair cherishing every moment.


Adam Stewart said...

How old is that couch anyway?!?

Lizzie Stewart said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! That is really cool! Okay, NOW I'm glad you took that picture, mom!

Tia said...

beautiful sentiments! you're such an eloquent writer.

Elizabeth said...

Adam, that couch is probably going on 17 years now...!

crazycool Steenhoeks said...

Oh, Aimee. I feel the same way. Time does go by so fast with these little ones. I am glad you are finding the "Joy" in it all.

Darcie said...

So precious!

Lizzie Stewart said...

Wow! Big difference! Come to think of it, I grow fast . . .

Lizzie Stewart said...

that's BIG difference in me--i can't even tell that that was me as a baby! (Well, i admit, i sort of do)