Tonight was Back-to-School Night. At the end of the long discussion about phonics and math manipulatives while all us parents were scrunched into First-Grade-sized chairs, we were told we could take home our child's self-portrait, which was taped to the back of the seat.
I noticed with pride the dual-toned hair. I noticed the neat coloring. Then I noticed the shape of the cut-out. Those weren't shorts our paper-Eli was sporting. I looked closer and noticed the belt was very purposefully colored, that the pattern was a colorful striped pattern - nay! It was plaid! Could it be? Did our First-Grade son request a girl-stlye cut-out so he could fashion himself a kilt?
We took home the curious artwork, and asked Eli, "What are you wearing?"
"A Kilt!" He was proudly exclaiming.
I'm glad Eli is proud of his Scottish heritage - just tell me - do you think we need to explain this to his teacher? :)
Oh, that is way too cute! Knowing Eli, I'm sure he has already explained this to his teacher.
lol. I love it! You have the greatest kids!
James should be so proud. :)
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