Thursday - Opening Day for the CCC - what a project! 2 Choirs, 50 + kids, t-shirts, totes, music binders, rehearsal cds, uniforms, handbooks, rules & procedures...whew!
Saturday - All-day CCC Kickoff Retreat! Skits, games, music, sectionals, lunch & snacks, uniform measurements...whew!
Saturday afternoon - Voice lesson with Anne Kopta! French, English, Russian; preparing for Recital at the Assembly Hall in SLC with my mother on September 25th...whew!
Sunday morning - Primary Music! Made a game called "Songster" from the Spin Dial from "Twister" to sing all our review songs all different ways
Sunday evening - Rehearsed musical number for violin, piano & organ for next Saturday night's Conference session. Directed Stake Choir practice for Stake Conference next week.
No wonder I look like heck! And you should see my house...I'm choosing to blog instead...