Once our kids had eaten the best parts of the Gingerbread House, we decided to relocate it to the backyard - thinking they might nibble on it in between jumping on the trampoline.
It was forgotten for a day or two, then we looked outside. Something was different...
Something was strange. I looked closer. That wasn't leftover frosting I was seeing, that frosting was buzzing and vibrating...
Apparently, some of the locals thought it was a *sweet* little place, and they told their friends about it. Next thing we knew, the house was under a massive bumblebee invasion.

Even appetizing!

Okay, that is seriously scary! Whitney was so grossed out after she looked at these pictures on my I-Phone, she just threw it back at me!
Ahh, that is scary! How are you going to get rid of it?? :/ And I'm glad you didn't die while you risked your life taking those pics :) PHEW
this is disturbing!
Could this be the reason for honeybee colony collapse disorder?
On they day you put it out in the backyard, and the bees started moving in, Eric described the experience as "terrifying." He is going to freak out when he sees what happened after we left!
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