"Martin Luther King was a very special man - he was the President, just like his dad, who was also the President. He said that you should stop fighting. And he said that white people should sit in the front of the bus and dark people should sit in the back. He was a very special man."
So, yes, in concept, she has mostly missed the point here, but in practice, she is embracing the best of Martin Luther King, Jr. and his Dream.

Okay, I just love that kid. I don't know if you saw my Facebook post, but she does pay attention to detail. She asked me yesterday, "HOW do you keep your piano SO clean?!?!" Wasn't really in my lesson plan for the day, but I gave her some tips, so maybe she'll clean your piano instead of practicing this week. Yep, she's a keeper.
I think Ivy and Michele Bachmann should compete in a U.S. History Quiz. My money is on Ivy for sure.
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