The idea was that the kids would get "swallowed" by the dragon, follow the tunnels through its insides,
. . .eventually getting spit out into the pool through the end of the dragon's tail. :) :) :) The night before the party, we brought Smaug to life and made him sleep outside till morning. His lunch the next day would be Eli and his birthday party friends. Moohaha!
Here they are! The unsuspecting victims! First up, we gave them a false sense of security by having them build their own shields. These will be no match for Smaug's ferocious bite!
Not pictured is the Horrendous battle between the Dragon Pinata and the army of viking kids. Let's just say that the Pinata lost. Big time. It's entrails went everywhere and the kids just ate them, just like that. They are seriously ferocious!
Ready or not, it's time to face the TERRIBLE BEAST!! The Monstrous Nightmare! The Hideous, Scaly-back, Flame-throwing Dragonzilla! Who dares to enter? Who will come out Conqueror?!
So did all his friends!
Just look at him staring at us with his wee beady eyes! And that smug look on his face! "Oh, you wanna eat my birthday cake!"
OHMYGOSH! That's the coolest birthday party I think I've ever seen. That beats the princess/castle/fairytale birthday, I do believe. Where do you find the time to make a super-sized dragon, Stewarts? Sheesh. I want YOU to plan MY next birthday. :)
Seriously Aimee. Can you come and live at my house? Where do you find the time? That dragon is awesome!
I haven't heard anyone quote "Axe Murderer" in polite company in years. Way to go, Aimee! Throw together a party like that and still find time to take some pictures. You're amazing.
OK everybody, I just want you all to know that Aimee came up with all this dragon wonderfulness a very short time before the actual event! (Pure genius!) Aimee and Adam, you never cease to amaze me! :)
Holy cow, Miss Aimee Stewart. And exactly HOW did you come up with that in 2 days????!!!!! You are truly amazing!! I can totally picture you and Adam giggling like school girls while you create from simple household items a giant (and I mean giant!) dragon in the wee hours of the morning. Too fun!
Max still talks about this epic battle, er party. Well done Stewart clan.
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