Thursday, March 5, 2009

New Motto for '09

Last year, the Stewart Family motto was taken from a trusted source, Guitar Hero.

The motto for 2008 was: "Less Talk, More Rock." It directed our year as we tried to do less talking about how we were going to live, and more doing. To me, it's the 21st century's "Just Do It."

This year, I have struggled to finally come up with a Family motto. Until Sunday. On Sunday, I was in Primary, listening to the scripture of the month. I've heard it many times before, but it hit me with a lot of force last week. Later that day, Lizzie mentioned that she wanted to highlight that scripture and asked for help to find it. We ended up talking about it.

The scripture is this:
"Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house,
even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house
of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God."

I've always read that scripture thinking, "Wow, wouldn't that be nice, to have a home like that? I wonder how you do that."

But it finally hit me - the prescription is right in there!! "Prepare Every Needful Thing!" I've mostly lived my life shooting from the hip. But this year, the Stewart Family motto will be: Prepare Every Needful Thing.

Now if we can just set that to some catchy rock music, we'll be all set.


Menner said...

Thank you for this, Aimee!

That phrase perfectly describes what I've been thinking and feeling lately. I've been working a lot on this for my home and family, and having a reminder of that scripture is exactly what I needed to hear.

I think I'll share your motto, only it will be a personal motto. My family motto should be something more like "Pick Up After Thyself".

chempianos said...

Yes, prepare every needful thing - and just wing it on the rest!

SP said...

We picked the same motto in January. It has helped us see what we need to do to be ready for the near and far future. We firstly started up the home food storage and went from there. It is amazing when you pray about preparing for every needful thing, how the spirit will guide you.

Lots of love,
Ken, Sherry and Jill

Bonnie Wayne said...

You CAN sing those words to "We will ROCK you" (G.H.I) as well as to "Carry on my wayward son" (G.H.II) - just a thought.

We will have to create a motto for the WAYNE family - I will look to Guitar HEro for our inspiration...or maybe the Ensign...or BOTH!