I've been busy! Sorry it's been so long! You know when you think back on your day and you realize that what felt like last month was actually something that happened yesterday morning? That's been me every day this month.
All I know is what my camera tells me:
Let's see, yes, it looks like we finally won the battle of Stewarts vs. Arizona "soil" and got our flower gardens planted. I've never missed Connecticut so much as I did on the day I was planting. Did you know I pulled out all kinds of strange things from deep within our dirt? I honestly thought about photographing and cataloging it all to share with you, but I was too dirty to hold the camera. Not to menion I was just plain mad. I mean, I literally extracted thousands of rocks from the dirt. You try to dig a little hole and all you can hear is "clink clink clink from the shovel hitting rocks!!" It was maddening. But I prevailed. And I must say, our flowers look pretty great.

St. Patty's Day came and went. This year, instead of just throwing on a green tee and calling it good, we actually celebrated the holiday - Irish Princess Style. Do you like my "shamrocks" and "Gold"? Aha! I'm so very clevah! (clever enough to find this stuff online, that is)

Also this month, I tried and failed to defend a photo speeding ticket. They are NOT messing around. Just hand over all your money, there's just no point. Give it. All. Now. Thank you.
We went to Matt's farewell address, going away party,

and all went to the temple together as a family.

All up in Salt Lake City. We drove 12 hours on Friday, then did it back again on Sunday. We even got stuck in blizzard-related traffic on Sunday night and were forced to park in Page, AZ for 2 hours. But every minute we travelled was worth it to be there! So proud of my little bro.

Adam spent an unhealthy number of hours creating and editing a fantabulous video for the Teacher's Quorum. It was absolutely hilarious, and when I have a chance, we'll get that bad boy up on YouTube. All I can say is, "Do you like Waffles? Yeah, I like Waffles!"
Humm.. Well,, yes, okay, it's true. The rumors you've heard are correct. I did in fact get trapped in my kitchen without my pants on when Eli answered the door and invited a well-respected male into our home. just a little bit awkward. No pictures for that one except the scar in my mind.
Adam had Honeywell Basketball games and Eli had his first Little League game. Ivy started Dance lessons. Adam and I got shots to prepare for our upcoming travels. :)

Oh! And Adam's brother James and Jenny got ENGAGED!!! We are so happy for them!!! Yeah! Jenny's in the fam!

Well, that's about all the catch-up time I have now! I will be starting fresh tomorrow, ladies and gents!