Last night, Lizzie and Eli had their piano recital. They each played a Christmas song as well as a lesson song. I was so proud of how well they played! Maybe we'll even get a video for you of those...we'll see how energetic we're feeling.
In this picture, Eli's thinking, but eventually he gets around to playing, and he played very well.
And tonight, Lizzie's class had their musical performance: Lizzie had a solo, a speaking part, played the extra recorder part, and even beat out the beat on drums for one song! She was all over the place! She had so much fun and really did her parts well. And the music teacher, Ms. Osborne, is truly phenomonal. I'm so happy she's teaching music at our kids' school!
Hey Adam and fam. Great to see your blog (didn't know you had one!) Your kids are beautiful! Hope all is well in AZ.
Hey Stewarts! This is Mark Bird. I saw your link on Winter's site. You guys are in Arizona now? Where? We're in Texas, in the Dallas area. I'd love to have an email to keep up with you guys as well. Mine is Write soon!
Congrats to Lizzie and Eli on playing in a recital. I did that a lot when I was studying piano - it can be a little scary, but it's a good thing in the long run. Keep up the good work!
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