1 Unforgettable (That's not a compliment in this case!) Countertenor singing all the Alto Solos with the Phoenix Symphony (!!!)
2 Full, separate performances on the 14th of December alone
2 Articles of Clothing that were worn repeatedly at every performance!

3 Total Rehearsals before our first performance with the Phoenix Symphony
3 Solos I sang this year - but only 1 was planned!
4 Minutes before the concert began to prepare for my first ever Tenor Solo. (Matt got sick, someone had to sing "Behold and See" for him! - Don't worry - I sang it up an octave!)
5 Stewarts singing the Hallelujah Chorus together in the Tempe Stake Messiah Singalong
6 Hours average of sleep per night I've had this month
7 Palmers (5 siblings + 2 parents) performing Messiah together for the very 1st time last night.
7 Separate Messiah Concerts in the last 11 Days in 2 different states
8 Healthy Sopranos only singing the Full Length Messiah at the Mesa Arts Center (usually we have 11-12!)
11 miles over the speed limit up on an empty road in Scottsdale on my way to a performance to garner my first speeding ticket in 8 years.
14 Days ago, I bought plane tickets to surprise my mom by showing up for her annual Messiah concert so we could all perform together as a family for the first time and the last time for at least two years! Erin wrapped me in a big red bow and we rang the doorbell a few hours before the concert.

23 Sopranos in my mom's Messiah choir who kept my arrival a secret and still managed to save me a seat in the process!
12 Months until I can commemorate Christmas by singing Messiah again
X10 - How good I feel when I can express my testimony of the Savior's life every Christmas through singing this glorious music.