I called my dad to wish him a happy birthday this morning, and do you know what he said to me? He said, "Hey, Aimee, it's been a while since you posted on your blog!"
"Yeah, I know, I've been busy."
"I keep checking it and there's NOTHING NEW!"
And I countered, "But, what about Instagram?! It's my new favorite diversion. I post every day! You can check me out there!"
And he brought it home with, "Hey, I know! - for my birthday, you can publish a new post on your blog!"
"AH! You got me there, Dad."
Now you know how much I love my dad! So here you go! A fresh new post from Stewartopia, complete with Lizzie's poetry, an Eli-ism, Ivy's wordies, and maybe an updated picture of our Baby Monster, Oliver
Okay, so first up is an "Ivy's Wordies" from TODAY:
We were looking at her papers after school today, and she was showing me her calendar. Ivy said:
"The first day of school was on the EIGHTH. Library is on the TWENTY-FOURTH. And Computer Lab is on the TWENTY-TWOOTH."
It makes a lot of sense when you think about it...
Ivy also wrote me a birthday card that said, "Dear Mommy, Happy Birthday. You make my heart feel good. Love Ivy"
Eli-ism from this summer:
Adam received a phone call at work from Eli.
"Hi Dad. I just have a quick question. I'm trying to make high voltage electricity and I need your help..."
Lizzie's Poetry Corner:
At Sunset, when the mountains hide
against a bright orange sun, beside
The Great Blue Sky of old are clouds,
Clouds of puff, Clouds of wisp,
Its color to me was loud.
Against the Great Blue Sky of old,
The clouds of puff, clouds foretold,
The sun was sinking to the sky,
Lighting clouds to make them cry:
"O see me now, thou people low -
See me soar above the sky!"
Just their cry does make me wonder why.
For the bright orange sun sinking to the sky
Does turn light upon the sky up high
Lighting up clouds of fold
A bright pink tale against
The Great Blue Sky of old.
My kids have been having lots of fun lately with the computer camera and video. Here's the Fearsome Foursome:

And recently, Lizzie was inspired to make videos for Oliver on our computer. He loves to watch them. Here's an example:
Okay, nevermind, I forgot how videos suck the life out of you when you try to post them on blogger. Ugh. So a cute picture of the kids MAKING a video will have to suffice.
And an update on Adam: He hiked 75 miles in the Uintahs with J-MO this summer over four days. He lost 9 pounds and grew a beard. But he shaved it and I'm working on getting those 9 pounds back on him.
And we have been Choir Crazy the last three weeks - whoa! We opened our season yesterday - biggest day of the year for us! It was exhilarating.
Well, that's all for now. Love to all. Especially Dad: Happy Birthday! You are as youthful as ever! One of my highlights of our trip to Utah this summer was watching you play Capture the Flag at Eli's birthday party. You'll never be old! Love you tons!