Lizzie is a Birthday Twin with her Grandma Vickie. How fun that they got to spend time together this year!
After properly celebrating,
including very cool presents for Lizzie of a Hedwig puppet owl (thanks G&G!), and a t-shirt that sums up her feelings about math precisely ("Dear Math, I am not a therapist. Solve your own problems."),

we went to the Phoenix Zoo.
We saw some exotic animals,
but the favorite of the day was a beautiful, friendly, white horse from the Petting Zoo.
The splash playground at the zoo was a hit!
We were so excited that Uncle Mark could come visit as well! He and Ivy got along swimmingly. Mark caught up on all uncle duties such as laughing every time Ivy said the word "stinkin'" and teaching her how to fake crack her nose and fake separate her thumb. She's now a walking carnival. Here they are in a rare calm moment, composing a silly letter to Adam, complete with 6 lines of exclamation points.
All good things must come to an end, and Ivy ended the visit by opening up a grocery store in the hallway. We all bought our plastic food obligingly, and Ivy was very good about bagging our groceries and giving us change. :)
I can't think of a better Birthday twin than a Grandma, how fun! happy Birthday Lizzy!
That picture of Ivy and Uncle Mark is a PERFECT Apple commercial. :) SOOO cute.
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