The Palmers had 2 arrivals in March:
Baby Maria Elizabeth Morley born to Erin and John on March 14th, 2011! Isn't she beautiful!
Sweet new family:

AND, Elder Matt Palmer, missionary from Japan, came home on March 18th! (He's the one in the middle. They took this in one shot!)
Matt's arrival made the news. You see the huge family with the big flag making a proper raucous? Um, that's not us. So, since we Stewarts are in Phoenix, Erin's in VA and David's in CA. And Maria was born that week, so Mom was out in VA with Erin, Whitney was on a dance company tour to CA, so it was just my dad with his mini flag there to welcome Matt home!!
I mean, yeah Matt, we all wanted you to make more YouTube movies as soon as you got home, but I didn't think you would take us LITERALLY!!!
Can't wait to see you!