I think we're partied out for at least the next two years. Whew!
Check out our fun day:

At 1 o'clock, Lizzie's friends apparated, and some arrived by Floo Powder through the fireplace

They brought gifts that were deposited in the Gift Trunk:

Then they went to Diagon Alley.

They received their Class Schedules,

Their wands,

And Dragon Eggs, to be hatched later...

Eli, excuse me, I mean Professor Trelawney, gave individualized fortunes from the crystal ball.

The witches and wizards were each sorted into houses, via the sorting hat (equipped with a baby monitor inside with Adam speaking into it!) (The hat will make an appearance further down...)

And given House Badges to wear.

Whichever house had the most points at the end of the party would receive this:

First Class was Potions:

Professor Snape taught them how to make Root Beer with dry ice.

Cauldrons were bubbling before too long.

The Ravenclaws won House points for their brew.

But the other houses didn't seem to mind too much.

Time for Care of Magical Creatures!

The best wizarding minds conferred to hatch dragon eggs (complete with flubber inside!)

Then it was time to apparate to Hogsmeade and Honeydukes' Sweet Shoppe. A contest was held to guess which flavor jelly bean they were eating.

Lizzie rocks the Sorting Hat as she prepares to blow out her Golden Snitch Cake.

Oh no! The Witches and Wizards find out they must retrieve the Sorcerer's Stone by following a Treasure Hunt.

They decide they're up to the challenge.

Following clue after clue eventually leads them to the Green Belt

And to the Sorcerer's Stone. Good Work, Hogwarts Students!

Next, we played "Hoo's Hedwig?"
Happy Birthday Lizzie!
Aimee- I am speechless..... What an amazing party!!!! It totally makes me want to be ten again..... I can't believe how much Lizzie has grown- what a girl!
Oh my word, Lizzie! What an amazing party! It looks like so much fun!!! Congratulations!
What a fantastic party! I'm sure Lizzie will never forget it.
She better not forget it...
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